LightPath Educational Center

Explore the interface of science and metaphysics to deepen knowledge and application of Universal Principles of nature. Experience enhanced mental clarity and elevated states of consciousnes.

Experience the biorhythms of Nature in the wild and in cultivated gardens. Nourish your body with wholesome, organic food from our gardens. Enhance your physical fitness with Yoga, Tai Chi and dance.

Connect to the deepest source of knowledge and inspired experience of Truth & Wisdom. Renew your sense of peace and alignment with your purpose in life. Experience harmony and beauty, at one with Nature.
About LightPath Educational Center

Who We Are
LightPath is a center of learning, research, knowledge and wisdom to support the advancement of human consciousness. Our programs are based on new understandings in science, wisdom traditions and universal principles that govern harmonious, prosperous living.
What we do
Our goal is to establish LightPath as a center to integrate mind, body, spirit, and ecology in a powerfully functional way.
Our Dream
We hope to expand our offerings in the very near future.

Become a Friend of LightPath
We welcome people and organizations whose expertise support our work in areas such as science, finance, education, health/wellness, architecture and global networking.
With your generous donations, we are able to keep our programs going.
We thank you for your support of LightPath!