LightPath Team

We honor those who work tirelessly to advance our mission.


Board of Directors

Mel Siegel, PhD,  Life Fellow-IEEE, Founder & Secretary

Mel Siegel, PhD, Life Fellow-IEEE, Founder & Secretary

Facilitator: Strategic Planning Team Interim & Facilitator: Financial Development Team

Mel is a professor emeritus at Carnegie Mellon University. He studied at Cornell and the University of Colorado. He has been a Peace Corps teacher in Ghana, a professor of physics and robotics, and R & D director of a small instrumentation company.
Heather Suminski | Treasurer

Heather Suminski | Treasurer


Heather has 19+ years of experience in Sales and Marketing and is the Chief Sales Officer and Co-Founder of Yuminaga Co. Ltd subsidiary. She is focused on LightPath's growth by opening new forms of membership and marketing, establishing a revised plan to materialize physical spaces, creating supplemental online spaces, and expanding donation requests to help realize LightPath dreams. 

LightPath Alliance

We are deeply grateful for many contributors who play a significant role in the development of our Vision and Mission as Advisors or as Friends of LightPath. In concert with the Board, they comprise the LightPath Alliance.


  • Provide counsel to the Board of Directors, as members of the Advisory Council
  • Participate in one or more of our six Passion Teams
Lawrence Schechter | Founder & Member at Large

Lawrence Schechter | Founder & Member at Large

Facilitator: Environments Development Team

Lawrence brings over 40 years of diverse architectural experience to the LightPath organization. His firm, Schechter Architect, LLC, in Bend, has contributed numerous advances in the field of sustainable architecture. As the founder of LightPath, his skill, experience, and vision enhance its realization– beyond sustainability– to transformation.

Founding Members

    Lawrence Schechter | Founder

    Lawrence Schechter | Founder

    Facilitator: Environments Development Team

    Lawrence brings over 40 years of diverse architectural experience to the LightPath organization. His firm, Schechter Architect, LLC, in Bend, has contributed numerous advances in the field of sustainable architecture. As the founder of LightPath, his skill, experience, and vision enhance its realization– beyond sustainability– to transformation.

    Jim Pasmore | Founder

    Jim Pasmore | Founder

    Communications and Brainstorming Teams

    Jim is a retired Business Executive with 40 years in the field of Scientific Instrumentation. Jim is also a Unity Minister and author of the book “Flash”, which is based on a near-death experience. Jim’s purpose is to grow spiritually, expand his joy with new adventures and share his gifts with family, friends, all people and all life. Jim was a founding member and is now an adviser to LightPath.
    Mel Siegel, PhD,  Life Fellow-IEEE, Founder

    Mel Siegel, PhD, Life Fellow-IEEE, Founder

    Facilitator: Strategic Planning Team Interim & Facilitator: Financial Development Team

    Mel is a professor emeritus at Carnegie Mellon University. He studied at Cornell and the University of Colorado. He has been a Peace Corps teacher in Ghana, a professor of physics and robotics, and R & D director of a small instrumentation company.
    Dee Elko | Founder

    Dee Elko | Founder

    Dee is a retired Financial Executive with 30+ years in the Manufacturing, Telecommunication and Building Material industries. Dee decided on Bend as the ideal place to retire in 2015 and has never looked back. She is now devoted to spending her time with various volunteer work in our Bend community.

    LightPath Network

    Connected to this exciting endeavor by electronic Newsletter and Social Media

    Organizational Structure